The Most Successful IVF Treatment in Thailand
Dr. Suchada is a world renowned expert in IVF treatment with a proven success rate of 65% – the highest success rate in South East Asia
Dr. Suchada is a world renowned expert in IVF treatment with a proven success rate of 65% – the highest success rate in South East Asia
Dr Suchada’s clinical expertise includes infertility treatment, IVF, Embryology, Reproductive medicine and Genetic Science.
She underwent medical training at Chiang Mai University, Thailand where she graduated as a Doctor of Medicine.
She then completed her medical specialty in the field of Obstetrics & Gynecology along with a Masters Degree from the Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine in Pittsburgh, USA and has been specializing in reproductive medicine since 2001.
In order to give her patients the very best chance of success, Dr Suchada had a custom built laboratory made at her clinic in Sriracha, based on the clinics she had experienced in the United States. Her IVF room was designed in accordance to the best practices set by the pioneers of IVF medicine in America.
Inside the IVF lab everything from the lights to the air purity has been carefully designed to maximise the chances of making your IVF treatment successful.