The sex of your baby is determined by just one chromosome pair
The sex of your baby is determined by just one chromosome pair
When an egg is fertilized by a sperm, the embryo that results has 23 pair of chromosomes. The sex of your baby is determined by just one pair: chromosomes 45 and 46 (known as pair 23) are the sex chromosomes.
The sex chromosomes are labeled the X (female) and Y (male) chromosomes. All eggs carry a single X chromosome, while sperm carry either a single X or a single Y in equal numbers. It is therefore the sperm that determines the sex of a child.
When a sperm carrying the X chromosome fertilizes an egg, it forms an XX pair of chromosomes and the result is a girl.
When a sperm carrying the Y chromosome fertilizes an egg, this results in an XY pair – a boy.
Methods that claim to tip the balance in favor of a boy or girl rely on the fact that the Y-bearing sperm swim a little faster than the X-bearing sperm, but the latter survive a little longer. However, theories on the timing of conception to produce a boy or girl vary considerably. In spite of this method, the ratio of boys to girls remains reassuring normal.
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis with IVF for Gender Selection
PGD gender selection is the most reliable method for gender selection, approaching 100% accuracy.
By IVF, embryos are created from the couple’s eggs and s
perm. On the third day after fertilization, when embryos have reached 6 to 8 cells, one of the cells is removed from the embryo, to be analyzed for its chromosomal makeup. The removal of the cell at this stage does not negatively affect the embryo’s growth competency. This chromosomal analysis allows us to determine whether the embryo is male or female. Then, only the embryos of the desired gender are transferred to the uterus.
If you decide to use PGD for gender selection with Dr. Suchada then her choice of PGD is one that screens for all chromosome abnormalities (aneuploidies) at the same time. By analyzing all the chromosomes with array CGH, you may have a significantly higher chance of conceiving and carrying the pregnancy to term than by analyzing only the sex chromosomes (chromosomes X and Y) and/or fewer than 12 chromosomes. The risk of conceiving a child with Down syndrome and other genetic abnormalities will also be considerably reduced, if not entirely avoided.
Dr. Suchada’s expertise is internationally recognized
Dr. Suchada Mongkolchaipak, M.D. is a pioneer in Microarray CGH PGD in Asia, and is one of the most prolific reprogenetics experts in Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis. Her expertise is internationally recognized, and she is frequently invited to share her knowledge with other medical professionals throughout the region.
As of September 2013.There are many similar pre-implantation genetic screening procedures available, but array-CGG is still the leading method for detecting embryo’s chromosome abnormality. By array-CGH embryo profiling, Dr. Suchada is able to increase the performance of ART cycles by improving clinical pregnancy and live birth rates.
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